Wednesday 5 October 2016

Prelim Task


For this video we demonstrated our knowledge and understanding of shot angles and applied some basic editing on Final Cut Pro X

I was quite pleased with the end result, I was in charge of framing most the shots and was content with most of the shots. If i was to do this again I would zoom in more on the subject on the over the shoulder shots as I felt there was too much negative space which would draw the eye away from the subject.

I wanted to show the journey to the room in order to enhance character personality and give us a brief feel to the emotion to the following scene, pride in the knowledge she has gained. We did this through a long shot. In post I chose to cut together the clips very quickly in order to convey a sense of urgency for our protagonist to speak the knowledge to her friend.

The chose to shoot a pull focus over the shoulder of our friend to view our protagonists entry in order to add shot diversity but to also show the shift from the previous location to her new one so it was more an establishing shot of the room transition. I was not pleased with the framing in this shot as it cuts our protagonists face off as the sits down making for a quite harsh and rough looking cut to the next shot of her full face.

I used the 180* rule in order to show both protagonists as they engage in conversation. Framing wise I felt I should have pushed more into the subject as the background is very distracting to the shot putting the viewers attention away from the talent.

Editing for the over the shoulder sequence I wanted to keep the cuts as smooth and seamless as possible which was quite difficult as the dialogue was not consistent in both takes.

For the final cut I wanted to show the reaction of the protagonist "Sophie" as she looks very proud in herself as she knows she can use the knowledge to manipulate people. To show this I left the shot on this despite Ed speaking, this drew emphasis to Sophies growing pride rather than Eds dialogue.

For this shoot I feel it was well executed for a first shoot. I became more used to the Sony cameras and where to locate their settings such as aperture, white balance and ISO I left the shutter speed at 60FPS as we were shooting at 30FPS and this we to achieve a smooth looking image as you must shoot with the shutter speed always at double the frame rate.

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